Bay Area Students Gather For First Annual Stem Bowl

On Wednesday, December 9, the 49ers Museum presented by Sony hosted their first annual Chevron STEM Bowl presented by the 49ers Foundation and KPIX 5. Check out the local media coverage and photos of the event below.
KNTV-SF (NBC) – San Francisco, CA: STEM Bowl
Date Aired: 12/9 at 11:14am
KNTV-SF (NBC) – San Francisco, CA: STEM Bowl
Date Aired: 12/9 at 6:52pm
KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA: STEM Bowl
Date Aired: 12/9 at 12:10pm
KPIX-SF (CBS) – San Francisco, CA: STEM Bowl
Date Aired: 12/9 at 6:23pm
KPIX-SF (CBS): Bay Area Students Gather For First Annual STEM Bowl
Published: 12/10 at 10:06am