The San Francisco 49ers announced today that registration is now open for Bay Area kindergarten to eighth grade students to experience the 49ers STEM education program at the 49ers Museum presented by Sony during the 2015-16 school year. In its second year the program will double its reach to no less than 60,000 students after its inaugural school year in which 30,000 students will experience its unique curriculum of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) concepts presented through a football-themed learning platform.
“Enhancing educational opportunities for Bay Area students has long been a priority for the 49ers organization and we’re proud that Levi’s Stadium has been able to further the reach of our educational programs into the community,” said 49ers COO Al Guido. “The expansion of our STEM education program is a testament to the passion for the program shown by local students. We thank all the educators who have believed in our vision and help make it a reality.”
Registration is now open at http://www.levisstadium.com/49ers-museum/education/ to all schools in the greater Bay Area. Schools on the waiting list from 2014-15 and those within the Santa Clara Unified School District will have first priority in the registration process. Schools interested in participating in the program must submit a completed application at least six weeks prior to their anticipated visit. Applications are available online at https://49ers.wufoo.com/forms/49ers-museum-field-trip-application/ and can be submitted online, via fax or by mail.
The 49ers STEM Education Program was designed to complement and reinforce a school district’s curriculum in many ways. Offering hands-on, project-based learning in a dynamic and technological environment, the 49ers Museum presented by Sony has resources that many schools do not, including the Denise DeBartolo York Education Center and its Chevron STEMZONE, where students use leading-edge, technological tools and techniques that will challenge students to reach new heights.
An industry trailblazer in terms of applied teaching of STEM education, the 49ers STEM Education Program will constantly evolve to enhance students’ experiences to reflect the most current concepts that support classroom learning. All programs intricately align to state Common Core and Next Generation Science standards, which support 21st century learning and instructional practices. Students are exposed to STEM learning in a completely new and exciting way, and by the time their field trip concludes, they will be able to illustrate the vital role that STEM plays in the game of football and in our modern world.
The expansion of the 49ers STEM Education Program is taking place as a result of the high demand created by schools eager to participate in the ground-breaking program. The program will be more than doubling its current capacity after adding additional full-time and part-time educational staff to support the students who get to take advantage of the technologically and content-rich learning environment. The 49ers STEM education staff is excited to increase the reach of the program to more students and generate more positive feedback from schools throughout the Bay Area:
“The educational program was well planned and grade-level appropriate for our students. We hope to be able to bring more classes for tours in the years ahead.”
–Sutter Elementary School
“Thank you so much! The energy, knowledge and passion of the people working at the stadium was contagious! Thank you and hope to be back next year!”
–Cedar Grove Elementary
“All 6 teachers from our grade level were impressed with the integration of the STEM component of the field trip. Our kids benefited and learned so much about the solar energy part of the program. We would like to come back next year with another group of eager 4th graders. This was one of the best educational field trip we have been too. Please consider us for next year. We have already requested for next year!”
–Sherwood School