27,852 SBL Members Visit Levi’s® Stadium For The First Time

The Santa Clara Stadium Authority and the San Francisco 49ers hosted 27,852 of their friends at Levi’s® Stadium on Friday night.
This was the first opportunity for Stadium Builder’s License (SBL) Members — the fans who own the right to attend 49ers games and purchase tickets to other events — to check out their new digs and their new seats. Concession stands were even open.
From the scene on social media, they more than enjoyed their first impression. Here’s a recap:
Welcome home #49ers SBL Members. #OpenHouse #ComeToPlay pic.twitter.com/TtUVgKg98f
— Levi’s® Stadium (@LevisStadium) July 25, 2014
@LevisStadium @pepsi #Sunset Huge Scoreboard @49ers #ComeToPlay view from my seat pic.twitter.com/AuPoj48O2Q
— Steve Madan (@SteveMadan) July 26, 2014
@49ers toured Levi’s stadium last night & finally got to sit in my seats in sect 112! Love our new home! pic.twitter.com/nhcPwyL4eG
— Raul Lopez (@comebackkid79) July 26, 2014
Many years of this to come! @LevisStadium @49ers pic.twitter.com/pWc9UIb5XD
— John Morotti (@thejohnay) July 25, 2014
I am still in awed by @LevisStadium! What a spectacular venue! Can’t wait to watch a @49ers game there!
— Daniel Barrera (@d_barrera10) July 26, 2014
#Kaepernickingworldwide in BNY Club West @LevisStadium @49ers pic.twitter.com/UK1EJhuVaZ
— Angie Tarver (@Angggieee) July 26, 2014
@LevisStadium New stadium is incredible! I love the view from my seats and cannot wait for gameday! @49ers #questforsix
— Jim Gillis Jr (@RJamesJr) July 26, 2014
@LevisStadium @49ers thank you for opening the stadium. It’s amazing! pic.twitter.com/jLMW9vP35D
— Basil Shen (@basilshen) July 26, 2014
Great times at the new Niners stadium Niner faithful #seasonticketholder #ninerlifer #QuestForSix #letsgooo @49ers pic.twitter.com/eGljCpJOBW
— SAVDAWG (@BiggsBiggalow) July 26, 2014
@49ers lets go Niners #LevisStadium Stadium pic.twitter.com/MmCytw5zCL
— Col. Kurtz (@IfIwasSpiderMan) July 26, 2014
Open House at the 49ers new stadium. #levistadium #49ers #49erswebzone #49faithful @49ers @sfxoak… http://t.co/7jgZ1j9YaK
— Joe Manasewitsch (@talk2mejoe) July 26, 2014
Thank you @JedYork & @49ers for a great day @LevisStadium #SBL open house. We had a blast creating new memories pic.twitter.com/ZQ5pS4Mdc7
— Lupe Steele (@LupeSteele) July 26, 2014
Today was a good ending to the week and a great start to my three day weekend!!!! #cheers @49ers @LevisStadium pic.twitter.com/FC2iPo3vCz
— Ms Erika (@LilMzThang_Kika) July 26, 2014
Looks like my family is going to see our brick in person at Levi Stadium #FanWalk #49ers @49ers jedyork http://t.co/wxzNylv9WO
— Michael Guzman (@mpguzman09) July 26, 2014
Brand new #LeviStadium on open house. This place is a beauty. @49ers @SAPsports lets get this season started! pic.twitter.com/duHDUKpDJx
— Shahzia (@Shahziabk) July 26, 2014
Me & my boy Tony hanging out at the new Levi’s Stadium with 30,000 other @49ers fans. #CantWaitForKickOff pic.twitter.com/K2QR4sK8ta
— The Kid MicSolo (@MrMicSolo) July 26, 2014
and here’s our view from our seats, sick! #LevisStadium #49ers #niners @LevisStadium @49ers #santaclara pic.twitter.com/n4Hwabj63n
— Yo.Vibe (@yo_vibe) July 26, 2014
@LevisStadium @49ers Thank you for the vegan options. One suggestion will we one day perhaps see vegam pizza???
— New IG: vegan_dwill (@dwill104) July 26, 2014
Great day at the new Levi’s Stadium for @49ers with @BigFordMan @KT_ellis1998 and @bwhartbeck #49erFaithful pic.twitter.com/KvTM7voLbZ
— Chris Ellis (@Ellis12F) July 26, 2014
@49ers @LevisStadium @pepsi row 10! Pepsi field goals and xtra points #ComeToPlay pic.twitter.com/p1p9fnVutE
— KP (@1FIVE9) July 26, 2014
@pacearly My seats are amazing and so comfy! In the shade & that was really nice in this heat! @LevisStadium @49ers
— Amy DuPonte (@NantucketGal) July 26, 2014
Welcome to @LevisStadium Home of the @49ers #homeawayfromhome pic.twitter.com/vSDvKJIlcj
— Danielle Reader (@DaniellaVanessa) July 26, 2014
Hello Levi’s Stadium. @49ers #levisstadium #amazing #istillmisscandlestick http://t.co/XVwuHyUM6I
— Ashley Roe (@RoeAsh) July 26, 2014
@LevisStadium @49ers #49ers pic.twitter.com/Vwq8YG0EXZ
— SanFranGigante (@SanFranGigante) July 26, 2014
levisstadium @49ers #levisstadium #49ers #openhouse #cometoplay http://t.co/y2XLzbm3zb
— Lizette Yerena (@lyerena19) July 26, 2014
Great idea @49ers ! #phoneholders @ Levi’s Stadium http://t.co/zjUpGuvFWO
— Craig David (@CraigDavid19) July 26, 2014
Hanging out with mom and dad in our new seats!!! @49ers http://t.co/bRUGA0pDZn
— Erin Dorn (@EDorn20) July 26, 2014
Here’s our brick at the new @49ers #LevisStadium. Pretty awesome! Great job @voviva. #NinersNation #49ersFaithful pic.twitter.com/aXsUncJng3
— Steven Bracco (@Braccs) July 26, 2014
Unveiling 1.85 million square feet of luxury to our #49ers fans. #ComeToPlay pic.twitter.com/i8K36HHZ0T
— Levi’s® Stadium (@LevisStadium) July 26, 2014
#49ers fans discovering their place in history for the first time. #FanWalk #LevisStadium http://t.co/UaYw5LTvdK pic.twitter.com/ChUbEPcoNQ
— Levi’s® Stadium (@LevisStadium) July 26, 2014
Thanks to the 28,500 #49ersFaithful for joining us at today’s #OpenHouse pic.twitter.com/txNVyE7o8u
— Levi’s® Stadium (@LevisStadium) July 26, 2014