LEARNING LEVI’S® STADIUM: Parking, Fanwalk, and Technology

The first professional sporting event at Levi’s® Stadium is less than two weeks away. With the countdown clock ticking, we thought it wise to answer some of your Twitter questions. After all, one must know the high-tech, state-of-the-art building in order to take advantage of its many capabilities. In this fourth edition of Learning Levi’s®, we tackle queries on the Aug. 2 MLS game, the bricks along Fanwalk and the building’s technology.
Learning Levi’s® 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0
To your questions…
@LevisStadium #LearningLevis when do SRO tickets go onsale?
— Anthony Cali (@A_Cali) July 16, 2014
The first step toward snagging standing room only tickets is signing up for the San Francisco 49ers loyalty program, Faithful49 presented by Esurnace. Members of this program will have exclusive access to the 1,500 SRO “seats,” which will be sold during a “one-time” on-sale event before the 49ers first home preseason game.
@LevisStadium #LearningLevis when will the levis stadium app be released?
— Julie Martinez (@PriNcEsAjUeLz07) July 16, 2014
How well will wi-fi and cell phone service work in Levi’s? #LearningLevis
— Desmond Buksh (@DezBuksh) July 16, 2014
The app, which will be free to download for all major smartphones and tablets, is nearing its launch date, and we at LevisStadium.com will be the first to reveal it to you in all of its glory. As far as the stadium’s in-house WiFi and cell phone service system, expect the best. As many have said, Levi’s® Stadium really reflects the Silicon Valley, so expect high-speed communication inside the building.
@LevisStadium can food and unopened bottles of water be brought in to the Quakes/Sounders game? Thanks #learninglevis
— laurie briggs (@lauriebriggs8) July 16, 2014
@LevisStadium What is the parking situation for the soccer game on Aug 1st? I’m a season ticket holder.
— Ralph Maldonado (@ralphmaldonado) July 16, 2014
Yes, food and unopened bottles can be brought inside the stadium. Consult the NFL’s bag policy here. Regarding parking at the Aug. 2 MLS game, visit Ticketmaster to purchase.
@LevisStadium #learninglevis tells us more how did the design of the new stadium came to be
— Marco A. Rojas (@MRojas10) July 16, 2014
Los Angeles-based architectural firm HNTB worked with the Santa Clara Stadium Authority and the 49ers to settle on a design that emphasized technology and sustainability. According to HNTB, the design “is inspired by the layout of a roman amphitheater with a five-story tower containing suites, clubs, press box and an accessible green roof as the proscenium.” The powers that be also sought wide concourses and two expansive, open-air plazas to allow fans space to move around and enjoy the stadium’s surroundings. If you’re interested in the actual construction, check out our feature on Levi’s® Stadium’s many milestones.
@LevisStadium Is fan walk complete and when will b receiving where our brick is? #LearningLevis
— Jess ❤️ (@JM41484) July 16, 2014
@LevisStadium will you be supplying people who bought a Fan Walk Brick with a map soon? #LearningLevis #Excited
— Jeremy Soers (@JeremySoers) July 16, 2014
The Fanwalk, which is better explained here, is indeed complete, although bricks are still for sale. If you have already purchased a brick, its location will be emailed to you in early August, before the 49ers first home preseason game.
@LevisStadium Is there a map posted online for parking/tailgating? #LearningLevis
— Rex (@rexisaguirre) July 16, 2014
There sure is. Find it here.
@LevisStadium #LearningLevis how many varieties of beer will be sold and will there be “self serve”?
— Scott Bostock (@Sdbostock) July 16, 2014
We’re working on getting you an exact number, but expect more than 40 local craft beers (and Anheuser-Busch beverages) to be available at Centerplate’s Tap Room, which is located on the stadium’s east side, on the 300 level and at the 50-yard line — and there will be 22 bartenders there to serve you.